In a sentence, tell us about yourself
Happy to endure any amount of bagels, scrabble tournaments, dog patting opportunities and early bedtimes at the first opportunity.
What gets you up in the morning? What’s the first thing you do?
First things first, I switch my playlists from Brown Noise Sleep to Funk ‘n Soul, brush my teeth for a bit too long then procrastinate getting out the door with some Strava scrolling, raining kudos on everyone in my wake.
What gets you out the door to run?
The thought of getting back for unhinged amounts of coffee and carbohydrates, by midday I’m highly caffeinated and glycogen-heavy.
What excites you about the running community in London?
The diversity and the randomness, there are other blokes out there like me who quit the booze and fags and started wearing short shorts, then there’s the proper runners, we all run together and no one bats an eyelid.
Favourite shoe of all time?
Clarks Wallabees (for running - Novablast 3, died after about 100 miles but felt absolutely phenomenal until then).
Give us some London recs, what should we be checking out?
- Every charity shop between Haggerston and Stokey
- Place on Cheapside that I can’t remember the name of, handsome bloke called Liam works there
Come and enjoy an awkward chat with Scott in store.
By midday I’m highly caffeinated and glycogen-heavy.